Fully Automating Renovate Prs
April 2023
Fully automated renovate PRs
In this blog post I’ll be talking about how you can fully automate renovate PRs. So you can keep your applications up to date without even having to lift a finger!
- Getting started
- Setting up a repo with demo app
- Enabling basic renovate
- Viewing an example PR
- Enabling automerge settings
- Enabling the approve bot
- Global renovate settings + adding settings to repo
Getting Started
- Add repo
- Add code
- Set up branch protection
Setting up branch protection
Now we will set up branch protection on our default branch. This should be called main
unless you have changed it to something else.
Go to the repo you have set up, click settings -> branches then click on the Add branch protection rule
Our settings should look like this:
These settings will make sure that at least one approver is needed and that the Build workflow has to complete succesfully before the PR can be merged.
Sample heading 1
Sample heading 2
Sample heading 3
Sample heading 4
Sample heading 5
Sample heading 6
Mauris viverra dictum ultricies. Vestibulum quis ipsum euismod, facilisis metus sed, varius ipsum. Donec scelerisque lacus libero, eu dignissim sem venenatis at. Etiam id nisl ut lorem gravida euismod.
- Fusce non velit cursus ligula mattis convallis vel at metus1.
- Sed pharetra tellus massa, non elementum eros vulputate non.
- Suspendisse potenti.
- Quisque arcu felis, laoreet vel accumsan sit amet, fermentum at nunc.
- Sed massa quam, auctor in eros quis, porttitor tincidunt orci.
- Nulla convallis id sapien ornare viverra.
- Nam a est eget ligula pellentesque posuere.
The following is a blockquote:
Suspendisse tempus dolor nec risus sodales posuere. Proin dui dui, mollis a consectetur molestie, lobortis vitae tellus.
Thematic breaks (<hr>)
Mauris viverra dictum ultricies2. Vestibulum quis ipsum euismod, facilisis metus sed, varius ipsum. Donec scelerisque lacus libero, eu dignissim sem venenatis at. Etiam id nisl ut lorem gravida euismod. You can put some text inside the horizontal rule like so.
Mauris viverra dictum ultricies. Vestibulum quis ipsum euismod, facilisis metus sed, varius ipsum. Donec scelerisque lacus libero, eu dignissim sem venenatis at. Etiam id nisl ut lorem gravida euismod. Or you can just have an clean horizontal rule.
Mauris viverra dictum ultricies. Vestibulum quis ipsum euismod, facilisis metus sed, varius ipsum. Donec scelerisque lacus libero, eu dignissim sem venenatis at. Etiam id nisl ut lorem gravida euismod. Or you can just have an clean horizontal rule.
Now some code:
const ultimateTruth = 'follow middlepath';
And here is some inline code
Now a table:
Tables | Are | Cool |
col 3 is | right-aligned | $1600 |
col 2 is | centered | $12 |
zebra stripes | are neat | $1 |
This is an image3